Tag: διαδραστικό εκπαιδευτικό πρόγραμμα

An apple rolled down and Autumn smelled – Interactive and Educational Program

An apple rolled down and Autumn smelled – Interactive and Educational Program

-What is the firiki apple variety ?-What does an apple a day do?-What does apple cider vinegar taste like?-And why are Zagora’s apples… PDO (Protected Designation of Origin)? These and many more questions will be answered together with the children in an interactive educational programme full of colours, pictures, sounds, tastes, smells, arts and routes!...

An apple rolled down and Autumn smelled – Interactive and Educational Program

An apple rolled down and Autumn smelled – Interactive and Educational Program

-What is the firiki apple variety ?-What does an apple a day do?-What does apple cider vinegar taste like?-And why are Zagora’s apples… P.D.O. (Protected Designation of Origin) ? These and many more questions will be answered together with the children in an interactive educational programme full of colours, pictures, sounds, tastes, smells, arts and...

An apple rolled down and Autumn smelled – Interactive and Educational Program

An apple rolled down and Autumn smelled – Interactive and Educational Program

-What is the firiki apple variety ?-What does an apple a day do?-What does apple cider vinegar taste like?-And why are Zagora’s apples… PDO (Protected Designation of Origin)? These and many more questions will be answered together with the children in an interactive educational programme full of colours, pictures, sounds, tastes, smells, arts and routes!...

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